——加拿大著名生物细胞质控专家Allen Goldenthal博士采访实录
Allen Goldenthal博士
圣诞节前夕,加拿大著名生物细胞质量控制专家Allen Goldenthal博士在深圳接受了hornetcorn.com采访,就生物细胞免疫技术治疗肿瘤的有关问题回答了笔者的提问。
Dr. Allen,首先,要祝您圣诞节快乐!同时也祝贺合一康生物在首届中国创新创业大赛中取得的佳绩!
Dr. Allen:谢谢,也祝你圣诞快乐。谢谢!(Dr. Allen用中文说谢谢)
Dr. Allen,合一康生物凭借一项细胞专利技术在首届中国创新创业大赛深圳赛区3800多家企业中脱颖而出,夺得赛区第二名,生物组第一名,并参加全国总决赛,在总决赛48家入围企业中成功晋级前30名,对此您如何评价?
Dr. Allen:我认为,这不仅仅是合一康生物的胜利,更是赛事方对生物技术重要性的认可,不久的将来,生物技术会是实现大众长寿健康、享受幸福生活的关键。即使iphone、ipad这样的高科技新宠,也并未真正造福人类的健康。在这点上,西方却对科学失去了这层认知。很大程度上,科学成了一个贬义词,科学家们的工作被大众谴责为是对大自然、动物福利和环境的残忍暴行的代名词。
Dr. Allen,能介绍一下您过去在生物领域的工作经历和成就吗?
Dr. Allen:我从事生物领域的工作已有30年。最初,我在PMC (Pasteur Merieux Connaught)公司,即现在的Sanofi-Pasteur(赛诺菲巴斯德)负责活体测试。
随后多年,我在该公司的职责慢慢拓展到QC,研发和项目管理。后来,我任职于新西兰一家血液制品制造企业PA Biologicals,担任首席运营官。
在这个岗位上,我深入参与到质量运营与管理中来。这段经验不仅帮助我在其他机构继续接任管理者,还获得了Massey University (梅西大学)的认可,有幸在该大学教授关于GMP/GLP知识的工作。
Dr. Allen:我渴望在一家朝气蓬勃的机构里工作,有新的人才,新的观念,新的思维模式,而不是根深蒂固旧思想。质量这个概念,对于中国来说,在某种程度上是个新的思想意识。
Dr. Allen:生物治疗这个概念最早出现在70年前,1942年,Landsteiner和Chase曾在老鼠中进行致敏的免疫细胞移植。
Dr. Allen:和其他的科学领域一样,某些企业总会在各种错误的理由里挣扎,造成错误的做法,某种程度上危害了肿瘤生物治疗的可信性和美誉度。
Dr. Allen:这是个年轻、有活力、有干劲并且渴望学习的团队。我相信,假以时日,合一康生物技术团队能够超过我在西方国家工作、合作过的任何一个团队,包括企业和大学里的团队。最重要的是,合一康生物团队能够求知若渴,学无止境。
Dr. Allen:我很庆幸,这个时代可以搭乘飞机空运而来,而非载船飘洋而来,呵呵(笑)。我到中国已经三年了,在很多城市工作过,如北京、上海、武汉、成都、沈阳等等。但如果要最后决定在哪里定居,毫无疑问,深圳。在我去过的这么多城市里,深圳脉动的活力,干净整洁的环境,赏心悦目的绿化,人们安居乐业的氛围,都给我留下最深刻的印象。这是座年轻的城市,同样年轻的人们也赋予了她独特的朝气、活力和繁荣,这是其他历史更悠久的城市所缺乏的。
Dr. Allen:在这个欢乐的节日里,祝所有同事阖家欢乐,幸福美满。我们的科研事业刚刚启动,“千里之行,始于足下”,未来的日子,我们还要好好走好999里的征程。
“Hornetcorn will be able to rival any of the teams in the Western Industries”
——An interview of the renowned Canadian biological cells expert Allen Goldenthal
On November 2012, Shenzhen Hornetcorn Biotechnology Co., Ltd (referred to as Hornetcorn hereinafter) has won the Second Place in the "2012 (First) China Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition" with its own patented technology, and advanced to the national finals. On December, 2012, Hornetcorn competed with 47 strong opponents in the national finals in Beijing and progressed to the top 30, being heralded as the best of the best in China innovation and entrepreneurship sectors.
A few days before Christmas, the distinguished Canadian biological cells expert Allen Goldenthal was interviewed in the Hornetcorn headquarter by a special correspondent from hornetcorn.com, and sufficiently answered questions on immune cell therapy for treating cancer.
Dr. Allen,First of all I wish you a Merry Christmas. Our warm congratulations to Hornetcorn on the wonderful success and performance in the (First) China Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition.
Dr. Allen: Thank you!.谢谢. (Dr. Allen中文说谢谢)
Dr. Allen,In the "2012 China Shenzhen Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition”, Hornetcorn won the Second Place in Shenzhen division and the First Place in biology contestants group with its own patented technology, and advanced to the top 30 out of 48 national finalists. How do you rate this performance?
Dr. Allen: I think this is more importantly a recognition by the Operators of such Competitions of how significant and vital biotechnology is to all of us and how in the future it will be key to our longevity, our health and ultimately our happiness. In that regard, I think the West has lost some of this appreciation and in many ways science has become a ‘bad’ word, being blamed for so called atrocities against nature, animal welfare, the environment, etc.
I see Hornetcorn’s recognition in the competition as evidence that not only the competition organizer’s but China in general recognizes the contribution of science, the value of scientific products and how it will provide the solution, not be the cause of all the ills the West attributes to scientific progress. So I say not only congratulations to Hornetcorn, but to the Committee members as well for their insightful selection and their assurance that China will continue to value and promote the sciences and recognize not only its overt entrepreneurial value but its more significant intrinsic value as well.
Dr. Allen, would you introduce your past working experience and achievements in biology spheres?
Dr. Allen: That actually is a long road spanning now three decades. Initially I entered biopharma in the capacity of in-vivo testing for PMC which is now Sanofi-Pasteur. That role expanded into QC, blood products and project management over the years, which in turn brought me to New Zealand, where I was the Chief Operations Officer for a company called PA Biologicals, manufacturing blood related products. In that role I became heavily involved in Quality Management and Regulatory which in turn resulted in not only assuming the directorship in other companies but also a teaching role at Massey University where I lectured on GMP/GLP related issues. As I became more recognized for my expertise in Quality Operations, I was recruited as a consultant with the specific role of bringing that expertise to China.
As an ETRS Quality Management Systems Assessor, a member of various professional associations such as New York Academy of Sciences, Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT), Australian Biotechnology Association (AusBiotech), and New Zealand Biotechnology Association, etc, as well as an expert who served world-renowned biological pharmacy enterprises, what do you think attracts you to join Hornetcorn—a new biotechnology company?
Dr. Allen: Working for a new company is the ideal situation in that I can bring my expertise to fresh minds that have not been influenced to heavily by the old ways. Quality concepts and management is a somewhat new ideology for China and if I was trying to change attitudes that were entrenched already in the working minds of an older company, that sometimes becomes an impossible task. Hornetcorn expressed itself as being keen, eager and wanting to learn. That attracted me.
How do you think about the function of biotherapy for treating cancers? Experts pointed out that the 21st century is the century of cancer biotherapy, would you give your comments on this statement?
Dr. Allen: Biotherapy as a concept has been around for 70 years when the first sensitized immune cells were transferred back in 1942 by Landsteiner and Chase between mice. But it hasn’t been until the last two decades that we have begun to truly appreciate its potential.
Our understanding of the immune system and how to manipulate has increased exponentially over the past few years and we’re now at a stage of being able to unlock many of its secrets and use it as an effective tool for the modification and manipulation of directed immune response.
I would predict over the next ten years we will become very adept at targeting disease entities such as cancer and immune cell biotherapy will become one of the primary treatments for the prevention and eradication of tumors.
How do you perceive the development of cancer biotherapy in China? What place does Hornetcorn’s immune cell therapy occupy?
Dr. Allen: As with any new scientific field, there will be some companies that become involved for all the wrong reasons and in some ways actually do harm to the credibility of cancer biotherapy.
Fortunately, the SFDA has taken this quite seriously and is establishing guidelines and policies in order to eliminate those that are abusing their responsibilities to both the science and the public.
Hornetcorn has taken on a more conservative approach, wishing to meet the heavy requirements of the international standards under the cGMP regulations and in particular the cGTPs as practiced in the United States and Europe.
This desire to perform under regulations that ensure a safe and efficacious product clearly separates Hornetcorn from these other less responsible companies. In this way, Hornetcorn assumes a leadership role, setting the example for others to follow.
What is your impression on Honetcorn’s technical team and cell preparation laboratories? Would you offer some suggestions?
Dr. Allen: It is a young, energetic team that I feel is eager to learn. I think given the time, the Hornetcorn Technical Team will be able to rival any of the teams I have worked with in the Western Industries and Universities. What is most important is the desire to learn, and never being satisfied or thinking that you have learned all there is. Development, training, learning is a lifelong endeavour. As long as they accept that and recognize that you must constantly strive to do better, then the technical team will have a very bright future.
You have travelled a distant journey across the sea all alone to Shenzhen. What is your impression and opinion on this young city?
Dr. Allen: I’m glad that I live in an age where you can hop on a plane and be here in 11 hours from New Zealand rather than by ship on the sea as you mentioned. I have been coming to China for three years now and have been working in cities such as Chengdu, Wuhan, Shenyang, Louyang, Shanghai, Beijing, just to name a few. But when it came to making a decision as to where I wanted to settle down, there was no doubt in my mind that it would be Shenzhen. Of all the cities I’ve been to, Shenzhen impressed me the most for it vitality, its cleanliness, its greenery, and creating an environment where people are genuinely happy and excited about living here. It is a young city, equally populated by young people and that gives the city a vibrancy that is absent in many of the older cities.
Christmas is around the corner and the traditional Spring Festival is approaching. What do you wish to say to your colleagues in Hornetcorn/would you like to say something to your colleagues in Hornetcorn?
Dr. Allen: I would like to wish them all a very happy festival season and much happiness over the holidays to both them and their families. I want them to remember though, that we have only begun this journey of scientific endeavour. What we have completed so far is but a single step. The other 999 are still to come.